Revised: April 2007

I. Name and Location

:The name of this local affiliate of the International Lactation Consultant Association (ILCA) shall be known as the Long Island Lactation Consultant Association (LILCA). The principal office shall be the home of its currently selected president.

 II. Mission Statement
In accordance with ILCA's By-Laws governing chapters, LILCA will further the professional development, advancement, and recognition of Lactation Consultants within the chapter's geographic area and enhance the growth of the umbrella organization, ILCA. In addition LILCA will:

  • provide a forum for networking, collaboration and support among health care professionals in the field of human lactation,
  • provide opportunities for continuing education in breastfeeding and related issues,
  • collaborate with other organizations toward the promotion, protection and support of breastfeeding.

 III. Officers

    1. The officers will be President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary and Treasurer. The offices of President and Vice President shall be nominated from the IBCLCs who are members of ILCA and members in good standing of LILCA. All remaining officers shall be nominated from members in good standing of LILCA and preferably, but not necessarily, members of ILCA.
    2. Nomination shall be accepted for the membership at summer meetings in the odd numbered years.
    3. Elections shall be held at the fall meeting in the odd numbered years. A quorum shall be 25% of the current number of members in good standing
    4. All officers shall assume their duties in January of the year following the election. The immediate past president shall continue as a voting member of the Executive Board.
    5. All officers shall be elected for a 2-year term and can be re-elected for one additional term, with the exception of the Treasurer, whose term will not be limited except at the discretion of the sitting board.
    6. All officers shall serve with compensation of paid membership for 2 years and may be reimbursed for authorized expenses.
    7. The duties of the officers shall be as stated below:
  • President- shall be the principal executive officer and shall, in general, supervise and control all business and affairs of the chapter. The president, when present, shall preside at all meetings of the membership and executive committee. The president shall perform all duties incident to the office and shall have all such powers as may be reasonably construed as belonging to the chief executive of a non-profit organization.
  • Vice-President- shall act as an aide to the President and perform the duties of the President in the President's absence or inability / refusal to act. Additionally, the officer shall act as the Educational Coordinator and liaison between this Chapter and the New York Lactation Consultant Association (NYLCA), and carry on duties as delegated.
  • Recording Secretary- shall record minutes of all meetings, maintain accurate records of minutes and organizational documents except financial. The minutes of the prior meeting will be read by the Recording Secretary at the start of each meeting. This officer shall issue written notices of meetings and carry on other duties as delegated.
  • Corresponding Secretary- shall perform and maintain records of all correspondence necessary for chapter's operation and carry on other duties as delegated.
  • Treasurer- shall have charge and custody of and be responsible for all funds of the chapter; pay authorized bills; keep an accurate itemized account of all receipts and expenditures; make a full report at meetings and carry on other duties as delegated.

 IV. MembershipMembership is open to all individuals only and not organizations. Eligibility for membership in this chapter will be extended to all those interested in working with breastfeeding dyads and not limited to IBCLCs only.

  • Attendance at two meetings per calendar year is required to be considered a member in good standing.

 V. Meetings

This group shall meet at least four times yearly with an educational component presented at a minimum of two meetings. Written notice stating place, day, hour of the meeting shall be sent to the membership at least fourteen days prior to the meeting date.

 VI. Addendum

LILCA will share one meeting a year with NYLCA and one meeting a year with the Association of Lactation Providers (ALP), provided Organizations are in full accord.

  • To be eligible for listing in the Resource Guide, one must be an IBCLC, a member of LILCA and have attended at least two membership meetings during the previous year.